Monday, March 9, 2009
I'm on your lawn old man. Deal with it.
Okay, so a lot has been written and said about Rush Limbaugh. I am sure I have nothing new to say but I need to get a few things off my chest. Since my husband would much rather watch "Chuck" than listen to me rant those few (very few) of you who read this blog get the privilege.

As you are probably aware Rush Limbaugh recently told his listeners that he was asked by “a major American print publication” to offer a 400-word statement explaining his “hope for the Obama presidency.” He responded:

“So I’m thinking of replying to the guy, Okay, I’ll send you a response, but I don’t need 400 words, I need four: I hope he fails.”

I have so many problems with this I don't know where to begin. My first instinct is to fire back with vile comments about the definition of failure being a thrice divorced hypocritical drug addict.

Then as I my blood pressure lowers and the veins in my neck stop bulging I start to think more rationally.

Rush likes to scream about "liberal" elitists imposing their values and judgments on average hardworking Americans. What I don't get is how hoping that Obama fails is any different. He is sitting on his radio throne hoping that policies designed to help alleviate the financial squeeze average Americans are feeling fails. What Rush doesn't point out is that if Obama fails all of those people who listen intently to his show on a daily basis suffer for it. Oh, but I forget Rush doesn't care because he has enough money from spewing polarizing political rhetoric to see himself through the current economic crisis. How can loyal Rush fans not see that? Beyond that how can the Republican party not see that?

The closet thing "liberals" have to a Rush Limbaugh is Al Franken or Micheal Moore. Unlike Rush Al Franken actually got off his butt and decided to participate in the process so he might make a difference. As far as Micheal Moore goes we "liberals" love his books, movies, and wacky ways to illustrate a point but we don't go so far as to elevate him to the status of de-facto spokesperson.

Rush has become the equivalent to the bitter angry old neighbor man screaming "get off my lawn." He's full of rage because slowly but surely society and politics are leaving him behind. A younger, more inclusive, more moderate generation is beginning to take power and he wants us off his lawn.

Rush here is my 4 word statement about my hope for you.

"I hope you retire"
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I am voting for Rush to be in the next installment of "Sober House".

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Bitter, angry old neighbor women yell, "Move your car from in front of my house!" but still don't listen to Rush! Right Lisa?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
It goes without saying that Rush lives up to his namesake.

He sure does Rush to round up the villagers in a good old fashioned witchburning.

Or would it be better to say that only fools "Rush" in where angels fear to tread?

Truthfuly I bought a real nice pair of earplugs many years ago when it comes to Rush and I just don't give a rat's patootie about the old codger.

Hate mongers open their lips and more hate pours forth.

You give people like this a moment of your time, and that could easily become a year wasted... this old fool is after ratings, and whether you watch/listen/ or mildly pay attention to him you increase his position.

Hit him where it counts, get yourself some earplugs and maybe grab a few pairs for friends.